Two Weeks!
I officially gave my two weeks notice to the Sheraton last week. Those of you who are good at math realize that this means I now have one week left as a valet. I realize this might seem like an unexpected surprise to some, but it has been something I have wanted for quite awhile.
Being a valet has been a good job...that is until I met Hebrew. It's not often that I admit that a class is hard, but well...this class is hard. Last semester, Hebrew tag teamed with Advanced Greek Grammar, taught by the guy who wrote the book, literally. This semester, my other classes are picking up where greek grammar left off. And it has not helped that the Sheraton is understaffed at the moment and I have been getting 1.5-2 times more hours than I wanted to. The weekend of the NBA All-Star game, I had 40 hours. I can do full time work and full time school at the same time, but neither to the best of my ability. I have been just trying to get through the semester.
But I did not come to seminary just to get through the semester. I came because I was excited about God's word and wanted to prepare to teach it. Now that Lindsay has a steady job with a possible promotion in the future and I have good summer job thing going with a considerable raise for this next summer, I can finally be free to focus just on school.
Once I get caught up with my coursework, I plan to spend some free time preparing myself for a future in teaching NT. What this preparation will look like, I have not decided yet. One of my friends recommended writing a blog in which I practice academic writing. I might do that, whether or not I let anyone see it is a different matter.
However I end up using my extra time, I am looking forward to it. It feels good to be excited about seminary again.
did we mention it snowed?
Real snow in Dallas - so fun!
We had about 7 inches of snow in one day - VERY rare here.
*** I think it was the most beautiful snow I've ever seen ***

David had a snow day from school & I had a short day @ work.
Definitely got in some play & picture time (in my rain boots!)
Definitely got in some play & picture time (in my rain boots!)
Now that we've had our winter season though,
it's safe to say I'm ready for spring =)
where we're at
Still no Bible.
I think I killed our plant.
Tea (in my goofy cup) makes me smile.
It's raining.
I finally got my new book.
David won his first raquetball match.
Today felt like it should have been Friday.
I started a new journal.
David made the only dinner we've cooked this week.
Superbowl party.
Almost one year.
2 Chronicles is pretty awesome.
I'm pretty tired.
Free lemon cake with frosting on top.
Translating Romans.
Space heater & blankets.
3 shifts this week.
Our plant is a sad story...I put it outside for some fresh air, light & rain water...but I forgot it out there for a few nights & it has been pretty cold... We've been giving it love this week, but it's not jumping back. Sad day. I think it's mourning with me.
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