
"Arctic Blast"

It has many names here in Dallas - very reminiscent of our "storm watch" in cali - but whatever you want to call it, it's cold!

High: 30 degrees
Low: 15 degrees
Wind Chill: 8 degrees

My boss lent me her 'scraper' for my windshield & I used it for the first time this morning before work - it felt like I was making a snow cone.

Pray for David tonight, he has to work valet.


  1. I like the updates! Hope you are keeping warm. I like the picture of the trees with the sun behind them on the right. It is very captivating and has good color. : ) I miss you guys so much already!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. i took that picture while swinging on a swing =) we miss you too.
