After a nice long Christmas break, semester #5 is upon us.
This semester's lineup:
- Hebrew 2
- Greek 5 - Romans
- Preaching 1
- Biblical Counseling
- Intro to New Testament / Inter-testamental History
- Spiritual Formation
David has once again succeeded in packing his classes into two days (with one online class) & is still working part-time. As much work as seminary is, by the end of an extended break, David is always itching to get going again - this semester was no different. I am told that I will be a "big part of this semester." I sometimes help with studying for Greek & Hebrew, we even have a little white board =) This semester, I will also get to be an audience as he practices his preaching & an editor for his Romans class (he has to write a paper for us "laymen"). I'm sure it will prove to be much fun - I'm really enjoying getting to be involved in what he's learning.
After this semester, we are looking at two more years for his masters. He still has his sights set on teaching Greek, which, yes, means a PhD after getting his masters. Does that mean staying here in Dallas, going back to Southern CA, moving somewhere new? - we really don't know yet, but we are open to God's leading & timing. At the moment, David is beginning to focus on his internship for next semester, then we will begin the process of considering PhD programs.
I am still working full-time and enjoying it, despite the anxiety it causes me =) Are all 'real' jobs this way? I am learning that I will eventually just need to be okay with making mistakes & having an unfinished to-do list at the end of every day. We are in prayer about a possible promotion.
While David is back to his studies, I am starting another new study of my own. The women at our church have been going through a study of the entire Bible, book by book, since the fall. I finally decided to jump in - we are in 2 Kings & I am really excited about it! God really gave me courage this week. I went to a dinner with about 50 women of all ages from our church who I didn't know. I joined this new study at our church with women I didn't know. And I had coffee with a new friend here in Dallas. If you know me, you know that all of those things are pretty hard/scary for me, but God calmed my fears & replaced them with excitement for moving forward. It was a busy, but fruitful week for us.
We are looking forward to another semester in Dallas =)
I love you Lindsay!